Of the many residents that have volunteered to serve Upper Pottsgrove Township, no one has dedicated more time, more effort, or more professional expertise into making our Township a better place to live than Greg Churach. Currently, Greg is our Open Space & Recreation Committee Chairman—a position that plays a substantial role in the management, acquisition, and maintenance of our over 326 acres of Township property—and this is just what he is doing now.
Through his over thirteen years of work in our community, Greg has served on the Planning Commission, the Construction Code of Appeals Committee (as well as its chairman), the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee, the Pottstown Regional Recreation Committee, and, most recently, he agreed to serve as the Township’s interim Public Works Director. In all these roles, Greg has done, and continues to do, an absolutely outstanding job.
His vast knowledge of local government operations and his professional expertise in construction and electrical infrastructure have made Greg an invaluable resource to the Board of Commissioners and the Township staff. He has devoted substantial amounts of time outside of regular committee meetings reviewing proposals, writing and rewriting service agreements, and participating in staff working sessions above and beyond what is asked of a volunteer.
As Chairman of our Open Space and Recreation Committee, Greg has led a group of five volunteers that advises the Board of Commissioners and staff on a number of park and recreational items including the selecting and purchasing of property that adds to enjoyment and scenic nature of the Township as well as guard against overdevelopment. Greg has been instrumental in designing and connecting the Township’s trail network—a challenging task in itself—including the paving of an area near the Arboretum that has become the Township’s most popular trail section. Greg has assisted in numerous grant applications securing funding for projects that would never have gotten off the ground without his involvement.
In 2022, when the Township desperately needed a public works director, Greg not only led the search effort to find one but agreed to come out of retirement, serve as interim director, reorganize the group, and put the department into working order. And, to add to this, not only did he take the role as interim director but took it at a salary substantially less than his experience and expertise would command. His search efforts for a director resulted in bringing current director Chad Davis on board—a great fit and find for the Township.
This short narrative certainly does not give justice to Greg’s service to our Township. So, if you see Greg around the Township, please relay to him a thanks for what he has accomplished and let him know you appreciate his service.