Good evening: Well I guess congratulations are in order after the primary. I have been contemplating writing this email for about a week now. The mail that we received was all directed at Trace Slinkerd and really no other commissioners. Nothing positive about what you as a group of commissioners has done for our township. You both approved the municipal complex and we are disappointed in you and your vicious attacks. The name calling, etc. is adults being like children. I haven’t been to the meetings recently but I do read the newspaper and Evan Brandt’s articles. Also, we are concerned that you say that the township is consuming over 68% of 2023’s budgeted legal expenses. Perhaps if there weren’t frivolous lawsuits such as the one against the Township for the building of the Municipal Complex then the budget would be more in line.
We didn’t see anything on your postcard or letter having to do with curtailing development in our township (or at least not giving in to developers at their asking for waivers, etc.). I’m guessing because the Smola property can offer you so much more for political reasons. The Smola property is a great location for the complex and less than 2 acres would be utilized for it. So currently a farmer leases some acreage for crops. That’s ok but we would like to see some open trails and perhaps a playground for the children there near the complex.
I also saved a copy of the letter in which you wrote to residents in 2021 when Mr. Slinkerd was running for reelection. What a complimentary letter I must say. You actually complimented Mr. Slinkerd spearheaded and handled with the rest of the commissioners the underfunded pensions, improper budgeting, and debt reduction and the sale of the collection system.. And the commissioners in majority voted for these things. So since then, Mr. Slinkerd has become the bad guy when there is in fact 4 other commissioners who have a say. Cathy, you even came to our home and sat with us for quite a while discussing the township affairs and how the commissioners will work together to get things done.
In closing, we don’t want to be paying more tax dollars because of frivolous lawsuits and that’s would happen if the Township has to go out and purchase land to build on. I saw in the newspaper article that a resident asked what about building at Heather Place. Personally, if I lived there in that area I would not be happy. There would be alot of activity there and noise. And what about the playground?
The Smola Farm would be the perfect spot for a municipal complex as well as walking trails and other community activities. I see the “Save the Smola Farm” and I have to laugh. You might think the township is going to use 10-15 acres for this. What a misleading sign.
I truly believe this township has a great employees and commissioners working for it. Now do the right thing and get these “great” employees into a municipal complex to give them the room to work.
Deb and Alan Bingham
By Permission