Over 400 Homes Planned

UPPER POTTSGROVE–Artisan Construction Group, LLC, has been involved in three major development projects in Upper Pottsgrove Township: Pottsgrove Hunt, originally know as Kummerer Phase 1, with 143 units; Kummerer Phase 2a, with 129 units; and Kummerer 2b with 134 townhouse units. The Upper Pottsgrove Board of Commissioners approved the Pottsgrove Hunt 143 unit plan in the Fall of 2019 in a close 3 to 2 vote. Voting against the development were Commissioner and Board President Trace Slinkerd and former Commissioners and Board Vice President Renee Spaide; voting for the development were former Commissioners Martin Schreiber, France Krazalkovich, and Elwood Taylor. All three former commissioners who voted for the development were defeated in their respective bids for reelection.

The other two planned development projects that involve 263 units are in litigation. Prior to the litigation, the board disapproved these two projects not by the usual straight up voting manner but rather in a resolution that required Artisan to request an extension of approval process or face disapproval at the end of the month. Artisan did not request an extension in the allotted amount of time, and, accordingly, the board disapproved the projects. Artisan followed soon afterwords with a law suit.