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The Upper Pottsgrove Journal

Commissioners Organize

On January 2nd, the Board of Commissioners (BOC) cast their votes, electing Trace Slinkerd as President and Hank Llewellyn as Vice President. In the years past, Trace’s leadership has brought significant benefits to the Township. Thanks to his guidance and the collective efforts of all commissioners, our township’s financial situation has transformed from dire to the…

Engineers Confirm Evans Rd Municipal Site

For better understanding of the municipal site section process, please see the Township engineer’s site confirmation study conducted in September of 2023 (see link below).  The study confirms the Board of Commissioners’ selection of Evans Rd for the Township’s municipal site selected in 2020 and approved in August of 2022.  The Board undertook this study after Commissioner Cathy…

Residents & Commissioners Push Back on Over Development 

Throughout our 2021 campaign and to the present day, the majority of commissioners, comprised of Hank Llewellyn, Trace Slinkerd, and myself, alongside numerous residents, have steadfastly opposed overdevelopment in the Township. Our primary objective is to preserve the distinctive character of our Township by effectively managing Township property and pursuing legal actions to counteract this imminent…

Over 400 More Houses?

I am a resident of Summer Grove Neighborhood, Upper Pottsgrove Township, and wish to express my concerns as well as the concerns of several of my neighbors regarding the proposed building of over 400 homes in our area. This proposed increase of population in a small area, accessible by limited roadways, will have a negative impact…

Getting on the Ballot: The Petition

To run for office in Pennsylvania, a candidate must collect a specific number of signatures on a form called a nominating petition.  The number of signatures depends on the office the candidate is seeking.  The candidate then submits the petition to their county voter services office or, if it is a state or federal office, to the Pennsylvania…

A Resident’s Response To Building Site Controversy and Personal Character Attacks

On Monday, June 19th, I made the following comments concerning what has transpired over the past several months regarding the site location of the new municipal building at the Township’s regular June meeting.  Below are my edited and explained comments due to the context of my comments not totally contained in the Pottstown Mercury. The individuals I mentioned by their…

An Open Letter to Commissioners Dave Waldt and Cathy Paretti

Good evening:  Well I guess congratulations are in order after the primary.      I have been contemplating writing this email for about a week now.   The mail that we received was all directed at Trace Slinkerd and really no other commissioners. Nothing positive about what you as a group of commissioners has done for our…