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Who Is Really Stealing?

An Editorial by Deb Bingham:  As I drive through Upper Pottsgrove Township, I see the signs “Save Smola Farm–Stop Stealing our Taxpayer Funded Open Space.”  “What does this really mean?”,  I have been asked by residents in neighboring municipalities. I said that Smola Farm (actually Evans Rd)  is not being stolen but a few acres are going to be used for a municipal complex which is desperately needed. A few residents of the Township had decided to bring a lawsuit against the Township because they don’t agree with the Township Commissioners decision to do this. I know you will say this is old news but hear me out.

Being a taxpayer in Upper Pottsgrove Township for 40+ years and paying my taxes every year – you are the ones STEALING my tax dollars. Why? Because you have given the Township no choice but to defend itself against this frivolous lawsuit and then you ask for donations through a Go Fund Me because you need help to pay your attorney (who I thought would be doing this pro bono) really adds insult to injury.

Then there is the issue of harassing and threatening Township Employees and select Commissioners. Of course the Township has to defend its Employees and Commissioners. It’s harassment people! And you typically have attorneys who specialize in this area. Anyone with any HR knowledge should know that.

A few individuals have been nasty in their comments to me and others on social media. I won’t go into details but you know who you are.

I am in favor of this municipal complex to be constructed on a few acres of Smola Farm. I am also excited that there will be plans for trails, etc. there. The Township employees deserve a clean and safe workplace. Think about it – if your children or you (as a teacher) attended public school, wouldn’t you like a clean and safe facility? Of course you would. Then why wouldn’t you want something clean and safe for the Township employees? 

Oh that’s right – I’ve heard that “they don’t need that”, “why do they need a larger building” and the big one – “They don’t deserve a new building since they’re only Township Employees.”

Finally, costs of building are continuing to rise. If the Township has to continue to defend itself and its employees, it may not have enough money to build, hence TAXES WILL INCREASE. And yes you people who are in favor of this horrible lawsuit and in favor of harassing others will continue. Again, you know who you are.

Deb Bingham is recently retired from Valley Forge Sewer Authority.  She worked as Office Manager and handled HR/Benefits for its employees.   Deb and her husband Alan have resided in Upper Pottsgrove Township for 40+ years.